Thursday, October 31, 2002

i wanna confess to you..that I LOVE YOU more each day.
baru selesai praktikum.....hujan, finally rain..and it feels like in salatiga:) i missed that and i missed this song:
when you love someone - you'll do anything
you'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain
you'll shoot the moon - put out the sun
when you love someone

you'll deny the truth - believe a lie
there'll be times that you'll believe you could really fly
but your lonely nights - have just begun
when you love someone

when you love someone - you'll feel it deep inside
and nothin else can ever change your mind
when you want someone - when you need someone
when you love someone...

when you love someone - you'll sacrifice
you'd give it everything you got and you won't think twice
you'd risk it all - no matter what may come
when you love someone
you'll shoot the moon - put out the sun
when you love someone

[[ and when i love you, i will love unconditionally..]]

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

10.29 pm
oct 29th,02

aku baru saja menelepon, tapi sepertinya orang-orang yang aku cari
tidak ada. mungkin sibuk, mungkin juga pergi keluar untuk mencari kedamaian
hati di malam yang tertidur. dan kukira, aku merindukan malam-malamku..
dimana aku biasanya mencari bintang-bintang dan mencari semua bayangan
yang terlewatkan dari momentum di siang hari, dan sepertinya aku kehilangan
jiwaku, pada sesuatu yang lain, di tempat yang lain.
aku tidak mencoba meraihnya kembali, aku membebaskan jiwaku..jadi biarlah itu terbang
tinggi dan semakin tinggi..bagiku akan selalu begitu.
ketika aku tidak dapat meraihnya jadi biarkan terbang meraih langit,hal itu
membuatku lebih mudah melihatnya...tanpa batas..

kalau engkau adalah keindahan, taruhlah pada horizon dan semua orang memandangmu
karena begitulah adanya pelangi..
tetapi karena engkaulah keindahan, tetaplah dalam keabadianmu dan dalam kedalamanmu
karena begitu adanya mutiara..

karena engkau adalah celah, tenangkanlah dan hanyutkanlah gelora
karena begitulah adanya angin..
dan engkau juga celah,yang menerobos menyadarkan dan meyibakkan asa
karena begitulah adanya sinar..

Waktu tidak pernah abadi, yang abadi adalah kenangan, tapi waktu jualah yang abadi
karena yang berubah selalu abadi..
abadi adalah diam. diam adalah konstan.satu-satunya hal yang konstan adalah berubah.
diamlah..! maka engkau berubah... dan engkau hidup
berubahlah...!maka engkau diam... dan engkau mati
Saat engkau merasa hidup, saat itulah engkau mati
Saat engkau merasa mati, saat itulah engkau hidup
waktu tetaplah pembunuh terbesar alam raya..
dan siapakah engkau yang sanggup membunuh waktu?


11.18 pm
oct 29,02

dapatkah engkau mengartikan kedamaian?
kedamaian adalah the state of mind, body and soul
mind adalah processor, body adalah aktuator, soul adalah sensor
kedamaianku adalah the extension of my mind,my feeling
adalah kedamaian jika aku dapat mempercayaimu
adalah kedamaian jika aku dapat membayangkanmu
adalah kedamaian jika aku dapat mengetahuimu
adalah kedamaian jika aku dapat menolongmu
adalah kedamaian jika aku dapat menceritakanmu..
dan kedamaianku menimpamu
dan kedamaianku berbeda denganmu
dan kedamaianku mematahkanmu
dan kedamaianku menghancurkanmu

sejak saat itu, aku tidak berani berdamai
(p.s.aku hanya ingin cerita..)

Lorong panjang tak berujung, engkau datang
sinarmu memberikan asa tak tersentuh
oohhh god.. bahagiakan mereka
disaat kulangkahkan kakiku
dengan senyum
Hadangan palu hitam memukulku
sanggupkah aku bertahan??
Jangan kecewakan Mereka
Berilah langkah buat mereka jalan yang tak terhadang..
Bahagiakan mereka
Aku kan senyum di atas sana...

Friday, October 25, 2002

besok janjian ol pagi hihihihihi di mess..jadinya.... deh auw^_^

*lv u*
.::THANX GOD IT'S FRIDAY::. ( Lettr¢ Pôur God )

why i question YOU?
and the answer still : because u're human flesh and body..
( unfaithful departed )

And if the darkness is to keep us apart And if the daylight feels like it's a long way off
And if your glass heart should crack And for a second you turn back
Walk on, What you got they can't steal it
they can't even feel it
"Stay safe tonight"...

Home… hard to know what it is if you've never had one
Home… I can't say where it is but I know I'm going home
That's where the hurt is..


p.s clear six means take care!

Thursday, October 24, 2002

ada yang udah balik....semalam dapat smsnya...dah lama juga aku ga ngisi blogsnya..tapi aku baca tiap tahu kenapa aku cuman bisa liat:( sama seperti kalau aku whois everytime i got ol..
she still love him..and i cant write.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

10.51 PM
akhirnya......2 day....masih tetap lama??
honey.... iam home ( inget clip phill collins jadinya hehehehehee )
pulang ahh.... ngechek mail kagak ada satupun...
habis jalan2x nemenin rombongan belanja kaya pada kesurupan
aku paling dapat malah cuman belanja kangen .......

Monday, October 21, 2002

hari demi hari penantian terasa lamaaaaaaaa banget.....sampe sampe ada yang nyeletuk hari hari teh botol saja hik...hikkk $#&*^%$, (kalo bisa gambar tengkorak kali aku gambar disini deh).
bete banget...udara dingin terus membuntuti diriku terus..seakan akan berpacu tuk menyerang diriku ( komentar berpacu dalam melodi..daku jitak hehehehee)
gimana kagak bete, cuaca gini membuat drop kesehatan. aku mesti tabah kok..cuek habis ahhh...
aku yakin kok..keadaan gini klo di barengi kata-kata, denger kata-kata MISSED U wuichhhhhhhhh...... bangkit lage deh..
aku masih punya kata-kata " TATAPLAH DUNIA "

Sunday, October 20, 2002

here i am..this is me there's nowhere else on earth I'd rather be..Ugh! Jadi ingat my dream: I'll go wherever u'll go...and ur dream is: Always Beside You..Hix...I missed that time...

*feelin blue*
huuuuuu mas ga ada isi blogznyah hayooo semalam katanya dah diisiiii:P~~
tahu gaaaa semalam bobonya jam 3 pagi..biasalahh hihihihi kalo dah kumpul 3 yah emang getu, jam 7 ditelpon anak pwt yang datang ygy jehhhh ngantux bgt $#&*^%$, katanya ada seminar sampai kamis di sini, kamis kan ayang balik kan yah*_^
jadinya ya normal bangunnya jam 10 xixixixi trus rapper datang deh jemput yayangnyah heihehihieie tahu tuh dah ngacir jalan jalan mereka:P
ini juga baru selesai makan..terus pengen nulis blogz, ihh ngangenin deh ahhh ngisi kayak gini cuman ya ituuuuu yang disana tuhh tersendat ngisiyaa..malu apa binun yahh?*_*
semalam hik olnya malem, biarin dah tapi ol jugaaa hihhihii flashback deh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh KANGENNNNnnnnnnnnn
/me hugz hun..muach

p.s aku ga dikangeninnnnnnn hik

Saturday, October 19, 2002

mas ga ada..hmmm...too busy?....i'll wait then
wahhh jadi terharu baca blogznyah....:) bisanya senyum doang dah...*_* bisa juga rangkai kata segitu hihihihi muachhhhhhhhhhh:) Jag Savner Deg ..
08.06 AM
Perasaan ada berubahan yg mendasar sekali pada diriku.. klo dulu ngejar e-mail wahh..sekarang ngejar bloo, dudutz ahhh serasa membuka lembaran diri sendiri, bisa juga membuka lembaran diri ayank tercinta wuichhh.... seandainya seperti film "What Women want" :)
tapi ada utungnya... acara proposal berdua ini.. bisa tau apa sih yang kagak di sukai, thank bloog ( kok kamu jadi kaya makelar saja seh jadi penghubung aku )
hik..hik..hik... enggak tau nasib HP aku di sono... abis kagak di bawa seh, paling cuman pesen ama orang rumah, klo keliatan mate di charge, apa jadi gudang sms apa jadi gudang missed call
Hari kamis?? seperti lama amat ya... aneh deh..apa emang udah bawaan klo pas nunggu tanggal tua tuh lama apa ya? :)
minum dulu ah.... udah mau mulai acaranya
see yaaaa
kangen??? ihhhhhhhhhhhhh segitunya..... emang tie doang yang kangen?? :)
missed U 2 my little angel
mas kemana yah?....
9.53 am
hueee belon ada yang bangunnnnn hixxx..tadi ngetes miscalled kok masuk yahh? hihii abis selama ini fail molooo..ihh tapi ga diangkat, belon bangun kali ya..trus kilim sms dehh, ternyata delivered! ughhh..kalo getu kan aku kirim aja dari hari-hari yang lalu:)
semalam ada acara hihihi cuman ya ga lama..terus ya nonton deh, tapi capek..bukan capek cuman mual..nasebb dah kalo emang jiwanya kernettttt sekali naik travel malah mual! asem..entahlah sayanya yang ga bisa apa si supir yang rada edan..tipis bedanyaa xixixixi.. bangun yah jam 1/2 8, trus mandi, sarapan, ngobrol dehh*gosip in the morning* ditelpon si gila, dia malah ga jadi ke bdg yeww padahal udah aku bawa sepatunya dari ygy dodoll, katanya mau kondangan.. paling juga ntar muncul kesini trus ngacir ke FRIENDS:)
oiyaaa harus beliin pancakes buat yang sakit, katanya sehh cuman bisa sembuh sama itu *crotz!* emang dah...
disini ga sepanas di ygy, ugh jadinya tidurnya dipuas-puasin dehh buat ntar mau malming sama ehem:) *bangun aja belon gimana mau mojok hihihi*
kemaren ketemuuuuu, padahal itu dah mau balik, telp bunyi molo soalnya dah mepetzz jamnyah tapi ya kalo ketemuan begitu dehh, jadi lupa *seneng deh auw* jadi kangen..jaat ih blogznya dibilang proposal kangen hikz..kangen kok pake birokrasi emang di kedutaan wekk:P~~
cerita apa lagi yahh? stuck in a moment..tahu kenapa stuck..coz all i think is U, lagi suka lagunya Nelly feat Kelly R "dilemma":

no matter what u do
all i think about is you..

p.s aku kangen mas!!

Friday, October 18, 2002

ini email tercrazy yang pernah tahu idenya dari mana..segitu aja keluarnyah...rada aneh [yah namanya juga crazy]..dikasih judul UNSENT, karena emang ga pernah disent hehehe..

Subjectnya: You Drive Me Crazy ( Me feat.U)
nice it, its kinda spread out nicknames (if u notice xixixi:*)

It's harfind, and `lv`, This is dedicated to Mr Fir, Best of the both worlds, I got spirit of hustler pouring my soul, I gotta boy to call daddy, like a dad, I can tell me thuggin', gimme pen and paper, I again write down my life in sin, dying with sin, daddy, roll with me, but you'll hate this.

Off my block, off my mind, honey, you make it. Hungry to game, thursty to street, ah like a, I love you, hugs kisses keep me clear, brainwash, angel watch, naked body, try close my eyez, but you bomb "open your eyez", ritenour kool, we never know what this will bring, but as I say, I never let you go, angel clip wings, honey is movie clip ma life style, this is not business, this is personal, and now im just crazy, like player, I pass and score, yummy gimme kiss boo, I wanna taste your lips (hear me Im crazy now),I wanna touch your skin go on go on go on It's green light, Red Green, doesn't matter, even police sirens blue blip blip can't stop me, nor law or governin, you know how it goes, no need to repeat, just repeat this on your mind "I love you Honey".

Now I rock this up, Im not gettin my money, soon I gettin this money, ha ? ha ? ha ?, Holla back, kickin that money, wazz up my honey? Okay now the real, this is week's skip, mind off from problems, just let streets get best of me, what ever im going thru, monday to friday, mid-test stress, hi-tech hiks, no more drama, honey, angel is here, not in eyes but in heart, boom boom, kiss again, vanilla un choc, vanilla under choc, prince of egypt doesnt co-operate with underground, the guardian makes sure that prince keep in care, car is benz, benz is sending me to you, you like see me flyin like this, I take your hands now, I wanna touch your hands, lick your fingers, go on, Po Po, L.A to NYC, I wanna grin your hair to my finger, bite your upper lip, some kisses to nose, ey, Miami Florida,Cairo, Jungle, there we are, 5 clock on morning, so so col col, are you cold? I warm you up, buy dozens of roses, no frozen rose,i need oxy-gen, come to party, pain is love, see wendin between angel hunny, I take you ride, You vibe me, Hunny Is BEst, I wanna see your pyjama na, na na, wanna eat banana, tarzan jane, dont forgot that, I buy white nike shoes, baby blue and all lovely colors you wear, I play, you watch me slam da funk, hunny plays, angel cheerleader, cheerleader love a player, right, so check this, vanilla un choc sweet time together, vanilla and choc walking together, take me to homme with youuuu, I take your hand hon-honey, so shake your body body, anybody or everybody, we still NOT care, Just to me from you, you told be, I tell U know, I can keep just writing this, I'm still crazy, driving over lines, ride with me, ride ride ride, vibes, es seniorita ritenour, esc-o, mr fir, 555, vdwd, angel hands, hunny's lips, it's so perfect, after dinner, this is the effect...

ok here we go..hmm what actually in my mind? its emptiness inside....solitude..what a word:*many to write but well..dunno..not now..not in the beginnin xixixixi..theres no beginnin, theres no end:o)


who will save your soul
when you know that you are falling
into the deepest cliff?
Just see the stars above..

who will save your soul
when you stand on the grind
ready to move?
Just see the stars above..

and who will save your soul
when you see the stars
then they ignore you?
who will save your soul
when you know that door
was locked for you?


if love is blind
what one can see with?
if world just yours
where one will stay?
if one has nothing
what will he share with?
if one has everything
does he have to share?

krone oh kronor
let we do hope
see is need, although not the best
but we need..

eyes to eyes
show the shine
so objective, but
it cannot move
to another

cool, your feeling is cool
strange, so change..
one look,
and you will see
love is still mystery

waving it, fibre it
til both knows
that the feeling's

i'm lookin' for you in the dark
and i found nothin but
your smile is hidden..

from south to north
from west to east
i'm searchin for my lost star
leading me home

while i was walkin down the street
i felt into a bolt of blue
cos i went home without you

but i put the shadow on my pocket
try to make you come
to get it back

the dawn is breakin
time for you to sleep
take off the cloth of lightness
blanketing with eternal dark
May the silence peace around you..

sometimes, in the middle of the night
i feel alone and i don't know
if i can face this night
i'm in tears and all i can remember
is for you
because you are my angel...

there was a time when i was so broken-hearted
love wasn't much of a friend of mine
the table has turned
now there's not even breathen room

today i was learning to understand
how really sweet is your love
if i could be someone standing beside you
i think i will be the happiest-girl in this universe
if i just can said that my love is TRUE

p.s lv U
**kalo ini kumpulan puisi sesat hihihih bisa dibacalah kalo lagi tersesat!!:P~~**

november 5th,1999
9.25 pm


it is hard to know that the moon is not mine anymore
when the night comes, it just dark and dark
seems that something has poured out on it, dirt it
with glimmer, but it does not glitter...

words are spoken, circumstances push wall-to-wall
nothing changes..
greetings are involved to say, prove it was existed
no one moves..
fibre it out loud, crash the head
melt the rock, but ROCK is still ROCK!

wondering the whisper in crimson sky
that it could be hearing by the Gibrel
the salted-water is too far to reach,to
evaporated some dew falling to the deeper earth,
it cannot reach, ..where is the wind?

it stands there, ever..
quake the world, splash it with shower of the rain
cold...but peace
warm...but smiling..

never ask for this..i heard it waved through the air
but i suppose it never comes my way
separated by a thread hanging lose
where is the scissors?

point is still..silent, when need turns into unwanted
i do not know is never an excuse..
you want it, although it does not that way!
"NEVER" is the best word for you..
january 28th,2000
11.25 pm


it is exactly what i feel when i know what is goin'on
between you and me,
and i guess that was the tempt expression you have had
at the time you found something precious
you were belong was betrayed!

all is mixed up, kinda pent-up! without knowing the way
you came to ground over and over..
and i think it's time for decide which way to go.
CONFIRMATION and AFFIRMATION has the same phonetic,
then why we must make it separated by the meaning
of each translation?
that is the question about the thoughts came rushing
through my head.

if someway you might say that all is unworthy,
i'm kinda respect every effort you do
by Showing it, cos that's the only way..or
do you have another?

i shouldn't feel that way, exactly unbelievable!
i thought it will work out somehow we try
as the time passing by
but i guess i've got to thinking twice
to make it through

i appreciate you, that's why i set you free
cos the time gives no limit to me
whether with or without you
ready or not, everything eternally not..
february 14th,2000


i wouldn't compromise for every effort you do,
nor thinking twice that it is absolutely true
whatever happened, it just a flashback!
that it ever came to your life, whether succeed or ruined it

i would appreciate getting involved in it, wouldn't you?
things are circumstances, people change!
no matter what happen, the GREATEST thing is always there
being like twelve apostles..

i wouldn't willing to let you go, nor come here
AGAIN...wanted an expected thought that
it will turn into madness, but who will explain it?
that's a thought now you decide..

tell me whom you are in with and i will tell you who you are
i've got that on the paper but i didn't think
to dig it out of the bottom line
the relationship is over, but anyway who ever start it?

you ever said that there's no word "late" for this,
but you ever not letting it happen on you,
was it a mistaken?
you've thrown something behind, and never want to take a look
that you've already broken the line..
"Never want" is just a word, but a word of expression tough feeling
or maybe egoism..
who cares? just wanna say that i have free mind:

April 14th,2000
11.35 pm


"U lost me!" that what's exactly you said to me at the time
we argued each other!
and suddenly i was stucked on the ground, thinking that there's
no need to argue anymore..
so it would start over and over again
and when i wake up, i'm on the corner of a cliff
hanging by a thread.
the difference such an obstacle, and i wouldn't see that way
either, neither do you i suppose..
well, IT is fled...kinda higher on the ground
but HEY! who cares??

may 28th,2000
2.00 am


u will never know what i know unless
i say it to you, but whether i say them all
u won't understand that cos all u know is
what u only want to know and i suppose
what i'm going to tell u won't be something
u wanna know!
so, i consider myself that u will fade away
as the sun rise and set, but something surely
i know that u're not a season which is changing regularly
i suppose u have something inside
some kinda affection controlled by your heart and intuition
and i was wrong! totally wrong..
u stand like a statue, but wait..
u're breathe! so give me an argument
to prove i was wrong!
hey look.., i may perplex but i'm not blind
i see what i want to see, and i guess
u do too

may 28th,2000
2.15 am

i'm thinkin about u but it is empty..
i dunno, some kinda lost, i guess it's over now
hard i confess, still hurt inside now..

i do make efforts, i do hear never give up a hope
but i DO tired..! very tired...

i guess i still have a long..,long way to go
and somehow i feel u with me too,
some kinda feeling that i got to go strong
because of u..

i blame nothin for this, i blessed the day i found u
and i blessed the day i let u go
i know u're there, watch me
but i figured it out that i should watch
for the stars myself since u're not around..

"FARVEL!"..i could say no more,
for it brings so much pain
i'm not ready yet, but u tought me to stand tall
when things goin rough..even the worst
i'm gonna miss u...ALWAYS..

p.s. i still can't figure out what HOLANG ROHANGKU DI HO means...

june 9th,2000
10.55 pm

FOREVER (p.s The Long Journey)

i was realised today that i got so many things left behind
i was so busy with myself, trying to fix anything somehow
yet it hasn't been working!
then, i see today that i lose the touch, that always makes
a fortress ever lasting, a friendship!
though it always there, i see nothin.. when all things come
doesn't properly, blaming something is worthwhile,until...
you found a FOUNDATION.
see, when u reach deeper, there's something u will find.
it strengthens u with the power that makes u gasp, and realise
so many things protect u!

Friend is someone who help kinda figured out that i want to be
a friend that could say "many people will help u overcome the probs,
but i just wanna help ya forget the probs!"

i live in such conditions that push me to stand between, and i won't put
myself amongst. im a free person, and it will always be!
i appreciate The Freedom of Mind! somehow u will figure that the most
important thing is when u realise how free u are to determine
ur next step.

Then suddenly,..i miss u no longer as a special one, cos i know
everybody is special! as special as u
unless u break the rules, cos someone should stand still
or it will be a shallow sea..

anyways, friends come and go. so quickly as u never realise it. whether joy or hurt
it brings, FORSAKE, it is a bless!
the Waves are always high and tide and suddenly calm down,
it is a Regular part to keep this universe as a regular creation

I love you friendship for it brings a deeper point of view to go through
beyond the reach. it matures u naturally!

I love you friends for standing there as obstacles or foundations, cos
life without it IS emptiness inside...

*Dedicated to all my friends on net for they have been do efforts although
they never realise it: ....KJ (ill meet ya someday!), |Peter| ( u complete me!),
Peter Kortell (u knows me well), Reijffer ( u are really busy and u are
really care), Ollie (ill stand by u), Beeb( love u bestow on friend's side really inspired!),
Martin( thanx Mr Prof, im really admire u!),Marc (stop drinkin Corona, will ya?),Dusty( keep the
ICQ on),Przemek (Ally's lover:PP),Pollux|(goddess' inspiration:P),Dave(Phd..I dare!), Lilian
(i luv ya sis!), Johann(sverige rulez!), Mattias( Marxism..), Errik(stop cheating!),
Alaskan Guy (thanx pal for allowin me on DALnet!), Matt(ketel means...:PP)


July 20th,2000
10.17 am


dunno what happened, just thinkin of u mostly! some kinda feeling that
i DO miss u. ive told ya before that ive tried to tempt this feelin
and it becomes wild recently, just missin u at all!

look, i dont wanna ask u much since i know we ruined the relationship.
and i just remember that whatever happen to us ago,
is somethin really precious to me! cos u're a precious person i was belong
and i dont wanna stand this way, i do make efforts and u know what?
ill wait for u, no matter happen. i know it just spendin time, but u dont think
that im not HURT by this, i want to overcome this, whether success or fail.

my feelings remain so strong for u and somehow u're not erased from my mind.
if love is so strong why wont u let me to love u before we ran out of time?
"whats wrong with love?", u ever asked that to me and my answer was "nothin's
wrong with love, just wrong with the person". i guess thats us..

remembering u and ur encouragement remind me about the biggest power on universe:
anyway..ill see u by and by..

silly yah? hehehe maklumlah anak-anak xixixix..
hmm hmm nulis lagi..bukan nulis sih sebenarnya..cuman paste blog yang pernah aku tulis.hik.hik sebenarnya ini buat mas..ada tanggalnya tuh kalo ga salah, dibaca yah tapi ga boleh marah hehehe:)

kelasnya Lex Luthor..laperrr..malesss..isinya perang melawan Superman molooo:/

Dear U,

for whatever U are, i never ask that since the first time. its not that i dont wanna
know U, but somehow knowin' the other "A/S/L" is more important to me. the purpose
i join this cyberworld is because what i consider as 'rules' in reality actually
dont work here. both U and me are the same, we're escape for freedom in whatever means;
and i feel glad when i can get along with U, have the same soul and passion, sharing
different stuffs, and chasing the dreams and it just feel no boundaries, the distance
ain't a matter anymore.

as U said, all U can promise are honesty and communicatin'. our talks were communicate
already, it just the honesty keeps floating.
to make it work, impossible to do only one way. it needs two directions, and it starts
from heart-to-heart. when U try dishonest, it starts crack.
if for some reasons under pressure could be the distance, then i dont want to crack
under pressure.

All i want is that U know what i feel inside, and i know what's on Ur mind and enjoy the
love doesnt count, so dont ask me to count the stars to figure out how much U miss me
but just look up to the sky and see the stars, those explain how much i miss U.

Love Hurtz,

trus trus ada lagi neh..*ihhh ntar diedit yah paragrafnya elex tenan!*

3 july 02
5:41:36 AM

its really...HURT, but actually i even dunno whats the meaning of it. it just feels..tender is the ghost, the ghost that love u most, and im liftin shadows off a dream was broken, it can throw a drop of water into the ocean...what is ocean? it just like trash bin, it holds everything..everything poured..then when will it full?
Once the stone
You're crawling under
Is lifted off your shoulders
Once the cloud that's raining
Over your head disappears
The noise that you'll hear
Is the crashing down of hollow years (dt.)
hollow years.. it IS hollow...haunted,roamin..who u hate? what u hate?

getu dehh...trus juga ada ini..kumpulan lirik yang digabung gabung tapi menggambarkan isi hati [jadi malu]:

16 july 02
3:45:54 AM
Nothing is original
Close your eyes Breathe the air out there We are free, we can be wide open
Don't analyse Don't go that way Don't lead that way
That would paralyse your evolution...
I'll break you
I'll chase you
You'll find that you can't stand to be away
Not for a day (not for today...)
when life defies you I'll be the soul.
Dancin' where the stars go blue Dancin' where the evening fell
Dancin' through the underground When the stars go blue!
Live another day Climb a little higher Find another reason to stay
Ashes in your hands Mercy in your eyes If you're searching for a silent sky...
You won't find it here Look another way
You won't find it here So die another day..
This distance in my voice Isn't leaving you a choice
So if you're looking for a time to run away...
They took pictures of your dreams Ran to hide behind the stairs
And said maybe when it's right for you, they'll fall
But if they don't come down
Resist the need to pull them in And throw them away
Better to save the mystery Than surrender to the secret
Carry me to the shoreline Bury me in the sand
Walk me across the water And maybe you'll understand
Once the stone You're crawling under Is lifted off your shoulders
Once the cloud that's raining Over your head disappears
The noise that you'll hear
Is the crashing down of hollow years
Thoughts remain without an answer
Afraid and uninvited slowly drifts away
Moved by desire and fear Breaking delicate wings..
Lifting shadows off a Dream once broken.
He pours his soul into the water reflecting the mystery
She carries him away and the winds die slowly,,, And she listens openly
Lost in the sky Clouds roll by
and I roll with them
Arrows fly Seas increase and then fall again
Every day sends future to past
Every breath leaves one less to my last
If not today nor yet tomorrow then some other day.
Dust fills my eyes Centuries cry Orders fly and I fall again.
You can take away my heroes Can you take away my pain?
Leave the cold outside Don't stumble on my pride
I'm tired of this fight Soon I'll be knocking at your door.
I'm learning to survive Without you in my life Til you come knocking at my door...

Whatever stops you from dreamin' Whatever trys to stop you from livin': Flip it!

"Final scene :The actor bows And all those years Are gone somehow
The crowd applause The curtain falls"

hihihihi jelex biarin..emang itu yang pernah ditulis....:)

Ugh...akhirnya selesai juga testnyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Yeah baby, Selamat Pagi Yogyaaaa Lupakan DJ Sapoetraa!!!!! Rolling time..i'm on my way, wanna rollin with me?^_^
huehe malah nyanyi lagu waktu duet itu yah? ehemmmm ehemmm...xixixixixixi..kenangan deh auww..unforgettable moment! hihih jadi stolen moment aja dahhhh*/me set Ritenour's mode*..ehmm Incognito punya lagu keren...(rada lupa) judulnya....moment in egypt.. jewww ngapain tuh di egypt? tapi ya tetap lebih keren "still a friend of mine".. Ugh..rindu ini terasa indahnya bila kau ada disini..ingin kuungkapkan segala rasaaa *CUT*
ga bisa nyanyi ahhh...mau nulis puisi juga malah ilang blogznyah..jewww jadi rada senseh..ntar ilang lagiii heuheheuehe mau nulis rayuan maut masih terlalu pagi hihihihi..masa mau nulis joke brrrttzzzz...

if i promise to believe will u believe thats there's nowhere that we'd rather be..[hmmm are we in the middle of nowhere?]
nowhere describe where we are [whether egypt or turkey xixixixi]
when loving u is my finest hour..leaving u the hardest day of my life [s.t.a.y]

Kini aku temukan telah aku dapatkan jauh sudah tersimpan sesuatu yang indah dari dirimu
semoga aku bisa mungkinkah aku mampu [ tahu yah..coba tanya toko sebelah..]
Kekasihku...[serasa Gibran deh auw:P~~] betapa aku tak pernah dapat membuaimu dengan kata-kata cinta yang mungkin bisa menyejukkanmu [pakai AC mungkin bisa lebih sejuk..], sungguh aku masih ingin terus mencari dalam jiwamu..[when i'm looking through your eyes]

hik..kangen...kenapa kangen muluuuu????????? kadang angan terbang jauh ke awan, rasa rindu kian menawan..dingin dan kelam remukkanku di dalam..Kadang murung meluap tak terbendung,rasa sesal s'makin mengurung sejak kau pergi
Berlari dan menangis...
Meski t'lah jauh ke mana kau coba 'tuk sembunyi
Satu saat nanti akan kembali ... jua oleh cinta [mas kapan balik..hik...]
Telah lama kabar menghampa namun kisah kita, takkan mudah terlupa...

*kenapa yah bisa ada kalimat sebagus itu?ga pernah bisa buat sekeren itu ih..*
question still: mas kapan baliknyahhhhhh whoahh ga bisa sms, ga bisa gangguin orang jadinya asek mah kalo ga ada mas heuhee bisa-bisa aku apal juga kalimat! sekarang hari jumat, ayooo sana jalan jalan take pics! kilimin yah!*_*
udah nulis sebanyak ini kalo masih ilang juga blogsnya kebangetan dah!...

hari ini schednya :ngefax ortu (hik!),trus bersihin kamar soalnya mau ilangggg ntar jam 4,hmm..hari ini naik travel..rada elit dikit hihihi biasanya kan gelantungan aja di bis...abis kali ini barengan ama temen-temen sehh, satu travel isinya kita doang..ntar malam ada acara di rumah temen besok baru balik sini lagi sekitar jam 6 sore lah...besok pengen ketemu mas di mess hik kangen euy! padahal ya ntar ujung2nya bt deh bialinnn bialinnnn bialinnn deh auw yang penting ketemuuuuuuu..abis kata abang mah "yang penting kualitasnya bukan kuantitasnya dek!" << ga nyambung..

disini panas bangett!! siang mah normal kalo panas, ini malam juga panasssss, kipas angin 3 sama aja ga efek, biasanya langsung masuk angin kalo setel kipas kadar tinggi, sekarang mah langsung muntah! heuheh enggak..enggak..heuhee sekarang yah biasa aja..kata radio ada kebakaran hutan di lereng..uhm trus kek mana kalo laut kebanjiran ? ujan kali ya...

Membaca lagi surat-suratmu, hatiku jatuh rindu Tak sadar pada langit kamarku, kulukis kau di situ << kalo BT mah sadar-sadar aja dia gambar mas di tembok
Waktu yang berlalu, dan jarak masih saja terbentang Penamu bicara, menembus ruang menyapa sukmaku
Memendam tanya seg'ra terucap Belahan jiwa apa kabarmu
Kuharap s'lalu tetap kau jaga Tumbuhan cinta yang di ladang kita ... << kalimat cinta anak-anak pertanian heuhehe tanaman keluar semuahhhhh:P

Pour U: Have i got a long way to run? wind is fast because it's free, and i wanna be wind so i will finally free to tell: I MISS YOU..much!

salahhh masukkk heuhee harusnya itu pake nama akuuuuuu:P~~ biarin dah anggap aja mas yang nulis xixixixi
10.04 PM
bengong lage oi... ini udah nyuruh ngisi malah enggak ngisi?
masih bete gara2x ilang yg tie mau posting kan??
udah gakk papa jangan nagis...
nih aku kasih kristal hehehwhewhewew

Thursday, October 17, 2002

jam 8.59 bengong setelah kekenyangen makan, cabut ngenet..huaw..waaa.. sepi dimana2x menyelimuti
rasa kangen tidak bisa menutupi kesendirian dari mana.mana.......
oohhhhhhhh... please help me...........
nyanyi ahhhhhhhhhhh..........
hanya denganmu.........
yang selama ini tak menentu............ ohhhhhhhhhh

(cut............ suara palesssssssss hehehehhe)
kok aku kaya orang bego sih ya... lama enggak maen kok malah kaya oramg ilang enggak bisa ngisi??